
What to Do if You're Suffering With Smelly Drains

Are you someone who relies on all the different systems within your home to help you with your everyday life, but start to panic when something goes wrong? If you are, don't worry, as many Australians share your pain. You may like to rely on professional contractors to deal with all things electrical and never think about trying to complete a repair yourself. However, when it comes to the plumbing, there are some actions you can take if an issue should suddenly arise.

Essential Safety Tips for Installing Gas Appliances

If you've recently purchased a gas appliance, you need to be extremely careful whilst installing it. Allowing gas to escape could lead to a serious injury. Here are some of the most important safety tips to keep in mind. 1. Turn Off the Gas Do not do anything until you have turned off the gas to the home. If you have never done this before, double check that you actually turned it off correctly by trying to light the pilot on the existing gas appliance.

3 Ways To Add Visual Interest To Your Monochromatic Bathroom Renovation

Like many Australians, you may be considering a monochromatic palette for your bathroom renovation project. Monochrome is a stylish and modern look and involves using a minimal range of colours that are all slight variations of one key hue. Sometimes a monochromatic palette can look a little bland and flat, so here are three ways you can inject some visual interest and texture into your bathroom design. 1. A free-standing bathtub

Maintenance Plumbing: Reasons Your Septic Tank Is Dysfuncitonal

The main function of your septic system is to safely eliminate biological waste. However, you will find that these systems are not exclusively used for this purpose. Many a household will also expose their septic system to kitchen waste, greywater from showers, wastewater from washing machines and more. As such, your septic system becomes susceptible to problems since it is handling matter that it was not designed to deal with in the first place.

Why Cigarette Waste and Your Household Drains Don't Mix

How many cigarette butts do you think are disposed of each year? 450 million? 4.5 billion? 450 trillion? If you chose 450 trillion, you are correct. It's an understatement to say that this is rather a lot. As a smoker, you probably already have a method for getting rid of your own share of these cigarette butts. This might simply be to empty your ashtrays into your rubbish bin once you are sure that the contents are entirely cool.

5 Kitchen Habits to Prevent Blocked Drains

Blocked drains are a problem that many homeowners dread. They lead to slow-draining sinks, bad smells, and big repair bills if you have to call out a plumber to deal with them. You probably already take care to avoid flushing objects down the toilet or letting hair clog the drain in your shower, but did you know that how you act in the kitchen can also lead to blockages in your home's plumbing?

Three plumbing projects to improve your household water quality

Water quality is a key issue for many homeowners. Consequently, there are number of plumbing projects that can guarantee your family clean, safe and sweet tasting water. Check out the following three plumbing projects that you can choose from to improve your water quality. Add a water filter Irrespective of the source of your household water supply, whether from a well or the municipal water supply, installing a water filter will serve to improve the overall quality and taste.

3 DIY Pool Pump Troubleshooting Tips to Try Before Calling a Plumber

A pool pump is an essential part of the swimming pools plumbing because it is responsible for generating sufficient water pressure utilized to push water through the filter. As a matter of fact, the pool pump functions similarly to the human heart. Unfortunately, like all plumbing mechanism, pool pumps experiences various problems. Below are DIY solutions to some of the most common issues pool pumps experience. •    When the water fails to get pulled

Blocked Drains: Telltale Signs Your House Has A Problem

One of the most harrowing situations that you can contend with as a homeowner is severe blockages in your drainage system. In the worst-case scenarios, these blocked drains can burst and can leave you having to contend with water damage or worse yet, a sewer burst on your property. This is why it is important to ensure you know how to spot the symptoms of drain blockages before they can get a chance to become worse over time.

Residential Water Heating Problems That Require You to Call in a Plumber

Your electric water heater is one of those appliances in the home that require both plumbing and electrical maintenance service. Most often, when there is an issue with your water heater, it can be difficult to tell whether you need to call in an electrician or a plumber to diagnose and fix the problem. Here is a run-through of a few common problems that call for a plumber and not an electrician.