How to Get Advance Warning of an Impending Water Leak
If you are responsible for a high-rise building that contains a number of individual units, each of which is rented out to a separate entity, then you are responsible for ensuring the safety, security and productivity of the structure. In general, you will be in charge of all the utilities and will need to try and avoid any downtime, while fixing any issues as soon as they materialise. As you may know, the water supply can be the most challenging of all the individual utilities and has the capacity to cause the most damage when something goes wrong. You will want to know as soon as an issue rears its head and will be looking for ways to introduce an early warning system wherever possible. Did you know that there are some sophisticated methods available today, that can detect a leak as soon as it happens and activate the troops?
Drips Do the Damage
It's very rare for a water pipe to burst and to cause a catastrophic flood these days. After all, the material used is quite hardy and care is taken during installation to avoid as much stress as possible. However, materials that are used to join particular pipes together can be vulnerable to deterioration and, from time to time, a leak may arise.
Preparing for the Worst
It doesn't take much to cause a significant amount of damage and especially if a leak were to arise at night or during the weekend. No matter how innocuous it may seem on the face of it, a water leak like this could affect several individual units, cause damage to electrical items, collapse ceilings, and lead to other issues. Remedial work would take time, cost a lot of money and you could face issues with mould or other environmental hazards.
Leak Detecting Tools
Consequently, you should think about installing water leak sensing tools at strategic locations throughout the building. You can add sensors at all the vulnerable locations which can immediately detect the presence of water and send a warning signal to a central location. This could prompt an operator to take some action or you could even configure the sensors so that they automatically shut off a central water valve whenever a leak is detected.
Setting it Up
You will need to work with your plumber to determine where your building may be most at risk so that you know where to place the sensors and other leak detecting equipment. While you may need to invest in this technology at the outset, you may well be able to avoid any water-related disasters in the future.
Talk to a plumber to learn more about water line leak detection.