The Green Revolution in Plumbing: Environmentally Friendly Plumbing

Hot Water Service—Tips and Tricks to Keeping Your Heater at Peak Performance

No matter how diligent you are with household maintenance, chances are you do not hover around your water heater as much as you do with other appliances. This indifference is unsurprising, though, since water heaters are typically located in a discreet part of the home, so your water heater is not always at the forefront of your priorities. Moreover, these appliances are built for stability and durability, which means they are not vulnerable to frequent damage.

Nonetheless, this should not translate into complete neglect. Taking the time to inspect your water heater and provide it with some care can go a long way in ensuring that it serves you for decades to come. In addition to enlisting professional hot water services at least on an annual basis, follow these handy tips and tricks to keep your heater working at peak performance.

Keep your water heater appropriately insulated

People tend to underestimate the need for additional insulation for their water heater, as they assume the tank's inherent insulation will suffice. And although these water heaters are designed with an insular layer, it is still recommended to invest in additional insulation for optimum performance. Wrapping the tank with a high-performance insulation blanket will tremendously increase the duration that the water in your tank stays hot.

Subsequently, you will find that your water heater will use less energy to keep your water hot. Also, take note that the decreased demand on your water heater will translate into a longer shelf life, as it will not be at risk of overworking itself!

Periodically flush your water heater

One fact about water heaters that is rarely talked about is how sediment steadily collects in the tank over the years. If you are unaware of this, you will eventually find that your water heater has succumbed to significant structural harm as the sediment steadily knocks against the lining of the tank, which causes the development of cracks and gaps. Another after-effect of accumulated residue is water leaking from your tank once the receptacle is compromised. Luckily, these issues can easily be prevented by performing a routine flush.

To do this, you should first make sure that the heater is turned off. Second, place a bucket right below the tank's drain valve. Third, meticulously open the valve and keep in mind that the water being released could be hot, so do not let it splash into the bucket. Once you are done draining the tank, shut the valve and turn your heater back on so it can fill up with water.

Contact a plumber that offers hot water service for additional advice.
